Some of my Projects

Java game

This project is a simple and interactive ASCII game developed as part of a university assignment. Its goal is to replicate the famous game Rush Hour.

GitHub - luisbeqja/rushhour_java
Contribute to luisbeqja/rushhour_java development by creating an account on GitHub.

Web SenseAi

Create a chatbot that seamlessly interacts with and answers questions from your user base using the information from your own website

WebSenseAI has 5 repositories available. Follow their code on GitHub.

Add Auto Translate

Add Auto Translate is a tool that is built to automate the addition of new translations in JSON files from CSV files. This document provides a comprehensive guide on how to install, configure, and use Ad Auto Translate.

GitHub - luisbeqja/auto-add-translations
Contribute to luisbeqja/auto-add-translations development by creating an account on GitHub.